Jan 2025 Monthly Messages
Monty Mulkey
MM Deception of the Public School system
MM How to Recognize Dissemblers
MM Praying with Authority
MM What is a Man / Woman of God
SM Krampus
CM Fervent Love
CM Positive Affirmation
MS Janus
MS Living Intentionally
MS Why did you take the Bait
SJ Is molestation in your Culture
SJ What Makes us Run
This grouping includes 12 of the previous messages given at wccd. For those wishing to purchase messages in bulk and stay current with what is being taught this will be the new "Go To" place. We will be suspending our previous monthly message service and billing.
We have reduced the pricing significantly for this bulk purchasing.
Thank you for being a previous subscriber to the monthly message service.
Pastor Monty
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