Series 11 Standards of Measure
We’re always counting something to see if it has significant value or worth. We look for measurable results with the things we do. But wrong standards of measure bring great difficulty in the lives of God’s People. Especially when looking at the results as the discerning factor for something being the will of God or not.
How do you determine value of a product or service? Often this is a very difficult assessment. The old standby answers of, "its value is what someone is willing to pay for it," "what it costs to make" are not very satisfactory. Do either of those answers really tell us how to determine value? Do those answers tell us what price to put on a product, a service or our efforts?
As we reflect over our accomplishments or the things we do in our daily lives, how do you determine their value and derive satisfaction? If we use God’s values, and stay on God’s course, our standards by which we measure value will evolve and mature. We will grow and the growth will be satisfying. Being clear on what God values can keep us anchored when the situations around us is falling apart.
God's ways, or how God looks at things, may not be the same as ours. In this series, we will study some of God’s ways that we need to adopt as correct standards of measure.
Matt 19:30 But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first.