331, 332. Political Correctness -The Root of Passive Expression 2 Parts


Entire civilizations are paralyzed, subdued, and controlled by a weapon they know little about.... By a weapon that their opponent has learned, crafted, and wielded with cunning accuracy... And often the Christian doesn’t even know the weapon exits, let alone discern when it is being used on them.

Napoleon: Four hostile newspapers are more to be feared than a thousand bayonets.” 

As soldiers of God, it is imperative, that you are free in the art of communicating. This doesn’t mean that you need to have big words, or vocabulary... What I mean is that you are not afraid to talk, You are not passive to Voice God’s decree, that you have found your voice, and can use it. For many, this entails much deliverance on the things that paralyze and stop them from communicating.

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331, 332. Political Correctness -The Root of Passive Expression 2 Parts

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