Series 18 Spirits of Self Sabotage (4 Mp3s)
Monty Mulkey
Ever have every thing going just great, and then do something that just blows it?
Well there is some reasons for that. Ever hear the phrase; You’re your own worst enemy...
Some of you still may not see yourselves yet so I will give some Warn signs...
* Procrastination
* Perfectionism
* Indecisiveness
* Impulsiveness
* Constant approval seeking (Think of College school)
* Often working too late
* High Absenteeism
* Over - involvement with other peoples problems
* Disregard for other peoples problems
* Assuming responsibilities for others mistakes
* Lack of Initiative
* Frequent emotional outbursts
* No emotions at all
* No apparent life outside of work...
Have difficulty in following a project through
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